Inspired by this post on Can Anybody Hear Me? , I want to talk about this photo I recently posted of myself on Instagram. On the left is my race photo from the 2012 Tinkerbell Half Marathon, and on the right is my race photo from the Star Wars Half Marathon this past January: Jan 2012/Jan 2015. "Fitter, happier, more productive..." #runDisney #running #fitness A photo posted by Thu (@vivaglamr3d) on Apr 18, 2015 at 10:54pm PDT Normally, I'm wary of Before/After photos, and I also don't like to emphasize weight loss, because it's not my goal, but I do want to talk a little bit about my weight loss. Sometimes I feel guilty about pointing out that I've lost weight. Why? Well, a big part of it is that THINNER is a societal mandate. You can't escape it - everyone and everything in mainstream media encourages thinness, sometimes at the expense of your own health. It took me a long time to stop making weight loss my focus and to learn one very...
Books, barbells, and beauty products. And life.