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Showing posts from August, 2017

"Even if it makes others uncomfortable I will love who I am." - Janelle Monae

My beauty blog has been on hiatus for quite a while now, and I'm undecided about when I'll get it going again (or even if ). No, I haven't stopped loving makeup and makeup artistry-- I think what has changed most for me (aside from moving to an area where I don't feel the need to be so made up all the time, and not working full-time out of the house anymore) is that I've been feeling increasingly estranged from beauty blogging and social media. Go ahead and check the Instagram page for any major beauty brand or retailer-- what do you notice about the models and influencers they regularly feature? You do get some racial diversity. You get some body diversity. You even get some gender diversity. You very rarely get all these things at the same time. And you almost never get anyone who looks like they're older than 30. (I mean, there probably are major influencers who are over 30, but they usually don't look it.) I've said quite often that representati

Heading down new roads

Somewhere on OR-38. Gorgeous. A lot has happened in the last few months (as you've probably read), and now I can add one more thing to the headlines: I'm returning to the classroom. Well, sort of - I will be teaching full-time online. I'm not going to have a physical classroom, but rather, I'll be working from a home office, and teaching high school students from all over the state of Oregon through my computer screen. The first order of business (besides doing all my HR paperwork online) was to head out to North Bend for our New Teacher Orientation. Four hours away, in a part of the state that I've only heard of and never been to (Coos Bay), to spend three days as a new teacher who doesn't know anyone else learning about a new method of teaching that I've never done before. *gulp* (Though, I think the driving-far-away-all-by-myself part made me more nervous than anything else.) I'm a creature of habit. I've spent all ten years of my