Need to get back to the gym! It's officially summer break, and it's gotten off to a rather inauspicious start. The evening of my last day of school, as well as my last day of work (clearing out my classroom), as well as every single day since then, I have spent dealing with massive pain of some sort or another - toothaches, headaches, stomachaches... it's like, after two straight weeks of little sleep, poor eating, no exercise, and full-on stress, my body is catching up with me. Like, I managed to hold it together just long enough for the last kid to leave my room, and then everything awful came rushing at me afterwards :( I know, sucks. Nonetheless, in between managing my pain (lots of pills, lots of naps), I'm managing to be slightly productive, and have made a lot of plans that I'm even starting to work on: - I've already completed (and reviewed) two books over the last few days, and am halfway through another one. I plan to read a lot this summer!