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Showing posts from September, 2018

“Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up.” - Brene Brown

It's been a while since I've updated, and it's because I've had a lot going on: I've started a new job at a physical school again, and it has been going well overall (thanks HUGELY to an amazing, supportive faculty and staff), but it has also been exhausting and a lot of work. I am on my feet so much more than I have been in a loooong time, and I'm always attending meetings. I don't even have a whole lot of time to breathe during my prep periods. So, for the first couple of weeks, I was trying to adjust physically  to my new daily routine of waking up at 6am, being on my feet most of the day until 3:30pm, not getting home until closer to 5, then making dinner, and then barely keeping my eyes open long enough to spend time with my family until crashing into bed. As you can probably imagine, this didn't leave me with much energy for going to the gym. I wanted  to, but I was tired to the bone, and my executive functioning was pretty much shot. I looked