Now for something frivolous and fun, here's something I haven't done in a long while: a makeup tutorial! Oddly enough, since being in quarantine, I've gotten really into doing my makeup every day. It's not that I wasn't wearing makeup before everything closed down (I still wore it to work), but I was pretty minimalist and hurried about it. Working from home, I have a little bit more time to just sit down at my makeup table and take time for myself--it's more an act of self-care than an act of beautification for anyone else, if that makes sense. And it's not about looking glam and flawless, but just about looking a little more awake, refreshed, and alive. I've often felt like, on the days that I feel the worst (physically or emotionally), when I LEAST feel like putting on makeup, those are the days when makeup can help me the most, in terms of a pick-me-up. And I definitely haven't been feeling great lately, so I am grateful for this little ritual to
Books, barbells, and beauty products. And life.