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Happy birthday, Jolie!

Two years ago today, August 2nd, Jolie Estelle Fuqua surprised us all by rearing her head 7 weeks early.

She continues to surprise me, with her intelligence, her quirky sense of humor, and her CRAZY curly hair. Jolie is strong and sturdy. She is remarkably independent and rarely wants to me to hold her hand. In fact, she'll push me away! And then give me a sneaky little grin that tells me that she's up to no good. She'll try to figure things out herself FIRST... and if she can't, then I usually hear a shriek of "Mommyyyyyyyyyyy!"

She gets really excited by dogs, birds, and babies. She's shy when you first meet her, but if she decides to warm up to you, then she's a total sweetheart. She's an easy eater - she'll try anything, but she definitely will let you know that she wants THAT particular piece of carrot from her bowl of soup, or THAT particular sprinkle from her ice cream. She loves to dance and spin. Her favorite movies so far have been The Sound of Music because she loves the part where they go "cuckoo!", and Disney's Toy Story movies (all of them!)

I love her more than my own life. She is the prettiest star.