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24 Things!

Okay, so, considering how I only gave myself 2 years to do it, I think it's pretty good that I got 24 of my 30 things done. The list has changed a lot from its first incarnation (which I don't even have a copy of, apparently!), but I think it's okay for one's goals and priorities to change, right? Things were added or removed because that was just the path my life took - for example, I had hoped to have a second child by now (or at least be pregnant), but I honestly couldn't imagine that now. I figure, it's okay to change your goals, as long as you keep having them.

So, here are the ones that have not gotten accomplished:

2. Read Sense & SensibilityMansfield Park, and Emma
7. Watch three Hitchcock movies I haven't seen before
8. Watch three Kurosawa movies I haven't seen before
15. Get a Jolie-inspired tattoo
16. Get a derby-related tattoo 
26. Get a tattoo to commemorate completing a marathon 

The tattoo ones were put off because I had anticipated still being actively involved in derby (it's not a good idea to do a full contact sport when your skin is raw and tender), though since I ended up only going to practice part-time these last few months of the season, the constraints have been largely financial. But they WILL happen.

The others are funny because you would THINK that it's a simple matter to read books and watch movies, but I honestly don't get a lot of quiet time to myself where I can fully focus all my mental energy. I can totally knit while Jolie is around, and I can even read junk books or watch junk movies, but I can't fully concentrate unless I'm sitting in a room all alone, without the entire rest of the world either distracting me or requiring my immediate attention. Hopefully I can start finding ways to make that happen.(Actually, the bath tub is a really great place to read. Not so much for watching movies though.)

So what now? I do have a sort of bucket list going, but they're generally a list of errant thoughts, and not any refined goals. My only definite goals at the moment are my 13 13's in '13 and my goal of completing the California International Marathon. But those are all running goals. And of course, I'll have to finish this list.

It's been an awesome ride. Looking back at my list, I'm amazed at everything I've done in just two short years. Cheers!