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Makeup Monday: Skincare I've been loving in 2020

I hereby dub Mondays Makeup Mondays! I will be posting about makeup (yes), skincare, and beauty stuff in general on Mondays: reviews, tutorials, swatches, etc. 

Today is short and to the point: here is the first post in a series of beauty products I loved this past year. I started getting back into makeup in a big way, but I definitely saw my aesthetic shifting to something more low maintenance and fuss-free. Also, I started getting more into clean beauty, which opened up a whole new world of products and brands that I've been really excited to try. I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out what my Holy Grail products are, and I think I'm getting pretty close! Here are some of the things I can't live without. (Note: none of these are affiliate links or sponsored or anything like that. Ain't nobody giving me money, y'all.)

My skincare routine changed a lot this year, due mainly to being pregnant and then having the baby (and all the changes that entails, in terms of my body and in terms of my daily routine). I have been super in love with Fleur & Bee's full routine (with SPF applied after), but these days, in the morning at least, I need to just slather on stuff and go. I've been using Fenty Skin's Fat Water Toner Serum and Hydra Vizor SPF moisturizer because then it's just two quick steps. (I still love F&B though! I've been using their cleanser, rosewater toner, and serum at night.)

A special, SPECIAL shout-out to Weleda's Skin Food collection, which has been saving my skin since my third trimester: I use the Light as my night cream (or even as my daytime moisturizer on extra dry days), the Body Butter after showering, and the Original as my body lotion on-the-go (though, it's not like I'm going anywhere).

My favorite makeup remover has been Sukin Organics Micellar Water, which I use with reusable cotton rounds, with second place going to Honest Beauty Makeup Wipes.

I also want to give a special shout-out to California brand Cocokind--I've kind of been randomly trying various products of theirs throughout the year, and I've liked almost everything I've tried. Their recommended routines are a bit longer than I would like (which is what keeps me from fully committing to a full regimen), but I really like their rosewater toner spray as well, and their moisture sticks (Matcha and Macabeet).

And almost everything above can be purchased at Target. (Fenty is, well, Fenty, and Fleur & Bee can be found at select Rite Aid stores.)