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25 weeks

 I am 25 weeks pregnant today. 

This is my third child, and I've learned a few things:

  • Truly, no pregnancy is the same. Being pregnant with Benny felt like a Herculean effort, from the two losses we experienced before we finally conceived him, to being pregnant during the pandemic closure, to having PUPP rash and all that. Getting pregnant this time was almost too easy-- we were successful on the first cycle, and I learned at an ultrasound that I had ovulated from the side where my Fallopian tube had been removed, so I guess the tube on the OTHER SIDE of my uterus had managed to pull in that egg like a vacuum cleaner or a magnet. (I have read that that can happen, but I never really believed it!) I am still dealing with gestational diabetes this time, as well as having to do weekly progesterone injections, but aside from that, I feel like I'm cruising along (even though I did actually contract COVID this summer and that was miserable).
  • First trimester is such a lonely time. It's like, too early to tell most people about your pregnancy, but it's also kind of the most miserable time with all the morning sickness and exhaustion and other symptoms. I wanted to be able to talk about it and to reassure everyone I knew that, REALLY, I'm not this incompetent and unpleasant all the time! There's a good reason!
  • The best sleeping position is a giant throne of pillows with another one under my knees. It helps with the heartburn.
  • Stress really, REALLY skyrockets my blood sugar.
  • I really am a Gryffindor. Have you seen the syringes you have to use for progesterone? And I'm having to self-administer those.
  • Being pregnant makes me fall more in love with my children who are already here. I am so in love with my family. They're just awesome. 
  • It's okay if all I want to do is sit there or take a nap. I just have to give myself grace.
  • It's also okay to set goals for life beyond pregnancy. I know for sure that I don't want any more kids after this, and I know for sure that there are things I still want to do with my life.
  • My bullet journal/planner really is my saving grace in all this. It's where I keep track of EVERYTHING, and I would be lost without it.
  • I am really, really glad to know that there is a definite endpoint coming. As with last time, being diabetic and on insulin means that I get to be induced at 39 weeks, and I'm glad for that--I would hate to still be sitting around at 42 weeks or something, just waiting. 
  • The best things about being pregnant are feeling the baby kick, and getting cute baby things :)