I don't know if it's human nature, or if it's something that has just been boosted to the umpteenth degree because of the Internet, but there are a lot of people who are eager to express their dislike of the latest popular thing. And maybe because I happen to be a big fan of two things that are lately popular (CrossFit and the Paleo diet), but it's really been wearing on my nerves. I know I seem to spend a lot of time ranting about things and being angry (and truth be told, there are lots of things to be legitimately angry about), but I honestly try to operate from a position of "Live and let live." You'd rather be vegan than Paleo? Cool, go for it! You don't want to do CrossFit? No prob, I hope you find an activity you enjoy. You like wearing yoga pants to the grocery store? Hey, I have days like that too - no judgment here. As long as you aren't oppressing anyone or being malicious, then YOU DO YOU, BRO. That's the thing - when you're
Books, barbells, and beauty products. And life.