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Insanity Workout Day 1: Fitness Test

Yeah, I caved and ordered the DVDs. That infomercial has been haunting me since I first saw it months ago, and I finally decided that I wanted to try it.

So Day 1 is the Fit Test, to see how fit you are. And I'm not. The moves are all plyometric, explosive power moves like jumping (LOTS of jumping), pushups, leg lifts, etc. There are 8 moves total, and you have to see how many you can do in one minute, maximum effort. I'm sweating like a pig just over halfway through, and even now as I'm typing this, there is sweat just DRIPPING down my neck and onto my chest. For what is in essence EIGHT MINUTES worth of working out!

Anyway, here are my Day 1 results. You can tell that I was fading towards the end:

Switch Kicks: 53
Power Jacks: 48
Power Knees: 61
Power Jumps: 20
Globe Jumps: 6
Suicide Jumps: 8
Push-up Jacks: 10
Low Plank Obliques: 18

It is definitely insane. And it is definitely hard. And this wasn't even a full workout. I'm scared of the REAL workout tomorrow. But now I've got a challenge. I don't have to keep up with the people in the video - I just have to compete with myself.

Yes, I've gone Insane, and I think I like it.