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Month of Blog, Day 28: What's in my handbag/purse

Literally, right now, there's nothing in my purse, because most of the time, I grab my wallet and carry it in my pocket or in my hands, and my phone/keys are usually in my pockets. But, assuming I had no pockets, and I was going somewhere more important than just Target:

Wallet - yes, it matches my purse.


Philosophy's Be Somebody lotion - but since they only sell big bottles, I had to put some of it into a travel-sized bottle in order to be able to carry it around with me. I love the way it smells

Fresh Sugar lip balm - AWESOME stuff

Keys - that's right, I drive a Toyota. My key fob, though, also has a button for my hatch.

Canon Powershot SX120 - you never know when a photo op will present itself, especially with Jolie around
But like I said, most of the time, I roll with just my wallet, keys, and phone, and everything else stays home. I travel light because most of the time, I am carrying Jolie AND her diaper bag around with me.