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I think I've found my new favorite clothing store.

Thanks, Bust Magazine, for introducing me to Ruche!

Ruche is what I would call Anthropologie-but-affordable, AND they carry plus sizes!!!! It's like a dream come true for me, except that they don't have a storefront where I can actually go and try stuff on.

I just ordered this dress for prom (chaperoning senior ball, and I need a "little black dress" anyway):

Midnight Perfection Curvy Plus dress
Their lookbooks consist of outfits I would actually put together - top and pants, or top and skirt - that aren't too complicated but are beautiful and romantic and vintage. Nothing that would take too much effort, aside from the actual purchasing of the pieces, which is the type of style I like - I'm not the sort of person to go crazy with layering pieces or tying something around my waist or shoulders just so or what have you. I like to just put things on and go, and a lot of the outfits are just that, only those "things" are really gorgeous.