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Today's look: Easter Candy Pink

I don't actually celebrate Easter, but I do love chocolate... and eggs...

Here's how to get your pastel groove on...

Products I used:

Urban Decay Book of Shadows II, Ink for Eyes, and my MAC triumvirate of pink lips. Also, Maybelline's The Colossal (the new one with "diamonds," whatever that means. Whatever, I saw no diamonds!)

The eyes:
Sphynx, all over my lid - this color looks like what would happen if cotton candy and bubblegum got into a fight and bled all over the place.

A touch of Twice Baked, blended into the crease with a crease brush. This color is like a chocolate brownie with flecks of gold glitter in it. (Tiny glitter, not chunky glitter.)

Ink for Eyes in Demolition, which is literally a plain dark brown. Urban Decay NEVER has plain anything (except for Zero, their black), so this is the first brown with no glitter, no green, no gold, no plum, nothing else. Just brown. And I love it.

And then topped with some mascara, and voila! Give me some Easter candy!

Other notes: I traced a light line of UD's eye pencil in Underground under my eyes just to add some shimmer interest, and I'm wearing my Laura Gellar blush to add some pink to my face.