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Looking ahead

While my immediate future in derby remains unsettled, I was very excited to find that registration for the Nike Women's Marathon 2010 is opening soon (April 5th) and that I am still on the legacy runners list, which means that I get an automatic spot. The race is Sunday, October 17th.

I haven't run in a while - in fact, as far as running goes, I'm pretty out of shape - but I have 30 weeks until the big event, so I've got some time to get into shape. Once I know whether or not I've passed my WFTDA tests, I can start planning a workout schedule accordingly. This is the one race that I will not miss if I can help it. (I only missed it this past year because I had a baby, and I would've gone anyway, but the person I sold my bid to had her heart set on going - which I don't blame her for - so I couldn't.)

So, part 1 is to get back into running shape. And part 2 is to get into half-marathon condition. And I am SO looking forward to it :)