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Month of Blog, part 2 - Day 6: A song that reminds of you of somewhere

I went to grad school at UC Irvine, which is Orange County. My seminars were Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays during the summer, which gave me long weekends, perfect for coming home. I would often take 101 the entire way home, because it took me by the coast, and I loved seeing the ocean as I drove - even though it's a longer drive, it's a heck of a lot more interesting than taking I-5. I had two SoCal-themed mix CD's that I would listen to as I drove.

Driving back down to Irvine, I would pass a town called Carpinteria, where there was a little tiny island just off the coast, with a long bridge/pier that jutted out to connect it to the mainland. And every time I hear the following song (from one of my mixes), I think of that island and the Southern California sunshine gleaming off the waves and the whizzing by of the highway.