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Today begins my week 2 of doing the Couch to 10k program (which is actually week 4 in the program - I skipped the first two), and I'm really happy with the little progress I've made. One, that I've made it to week 2 AT ALL (we all know motivation and commitment are not my strong points), and two, that my body feels stronger already. Even though my run interval has increased, my body is having an easier time with it than it did with week 1, and I'm sure it's because I spent the last week eating better and exercising more than I have in the past year. My weigh-in on Monday put me at four pounds down, which I know is technically a lot for one week, but hey, I'm not going to complain.

In addition to running, I've gotten back into Bikram yoga. I'm taking some time off from roller derby, and I need to make up for the lost sweating time somehow, so I'm heading to YogaSource Los Gatos on the days that I don't run, for an hour and a half in a sweaty sauna of a room to try and bend and pull myself into positions I never thought humanly possible. My past year of skating (and even my half-hearted running attempts) have made me pretty inflexible, and I'm just worried I will injure myself because of it. I suck at doing yoga on dvd, so I'm taking classes. I love Bikram because the heat presents a challenge for me to work through. Plus, I like sweating it out - even though I'm soaked in sweat from head to toe, I feel cleaner afterwards than when I first came in, like the heat has purged a lot of the (literal and figurative) bad stuff out through my pores.

I'm also trying to hydrate more - no more headaches, please! - and just trying to be more conscious of what I eat. No more mindless nibbling. I'm doing Weight Watchers again, because it works the best for me.

I don't know how people manage to do this normally. Right now I feel like it's taking up a lot of energy and focus. I guess after a while, it's supposed to become second nature, right? I hope I can get to that point, because right now I'm trying REALLY hard.